Peace, sustainability and order.Spiruit all radiates. Their goal is to become the largest zen-filled webshop. You name it, they have it here. This is due to their extensive range of 15,000 products. With so many products in a warehouse, how do you maintain peace?
Today we discuss Spiru in this customer case. Spiru is a company founded in 2017. It all started in the living room, but within 4 months they had a real office with warehouse. This was due to the enormous demand for Zen articles, says Chantal from Spiru.
From living room to enormous warehouse within 4 years, how do you maintain order and peace?
This question has been circulating within the company for a long time. After doing a lot of research, they came across holacracy. "With holacracy you work in circles. Each team has a spokesperson and the spokespersons of the teams do the communication between all teams." Each circle has its own space, so you ensure that the busy office garden does not throw a spanner in the works during meetings or conversations. There are no bosses, only responsibilities. "By working with holacracy, all employees feel a sense of responsibility because they all have their own task that they want to complete with passion." Holacracy stimulates growth and everyone can indicate what he or she would like to do. In addition to business solutions for order and peace, there is also plenty of room to apply your own ways of peace and order within the company. This provides space to retreat, meditate, exercise or practice yoga. By offering these things, they ensure that everyone has a good feeling at work and they ensure that there is less tension within the company.
They also strive for sustainability within the company. By purchasing products from sustainable suppliers, they ensure that they have the smallest possible impact on the environment. For example, when selecting suppliers, they pay attention to quality marks such as Fairtrade, ecological, vegan, etc. They carefully check with each supplier whether this supplier actually achieves these quality marks. Customers can also contribute by selecting when ordering to offset transport costs, this is done in the form of planting trees.

To make the customer aware of what they order, Spiru does not have free returns. "Some customers find this very annoying, but we always answer this question because we do not want to contribute to mass purchasing and then returning it all again. This results in a huge amount of unnecessary transport. By keeping the returns paid, customers think think twice before ordering". If Spiru has to explain it again, all customers actually understand. A tip Spiru gives is: “Start with these types of initiatives immediately, otherwise it will cause a lot of disappointments.” For example, by first offering free returns and then suddenly stopping, you will get a lot of indignant customers. By starting this immediately, customers know where they stand. Overall, these types of initiatives make the product more expensive for the customer, but the customers looking for these products are willing to pay for it.
Good reviews
During the conversation, the good reviews were discussed. Spiru currently has a customer score of 9.2 out of 10. They do not use targets within the customer service team. "By setting targets, you limit yourself enormously. We sometimes spend forty minutes on the phone with the customer. That is sometimes just necessary." The goal is to score a 9.5. "The only way to achieve this is to put yourself even better in the customer's shoes and therefore try to understand them even better." "At Spiru, a customer is not a number, but all contact is personal. If the customer has a broken product, it does not have to be returned, but we immediately send a replacement product. They can keep the broken product, because that makes a difference unnecessary transport again". In short, by taking every customer seriously and handling all questions personally, the team ensures that all customers are and remain satisfied.