From all conceivable types and sizes of baby clothes to prams, toys, chairs, beds and stair gates: you can find everything baby related atVan Asten Baby Superstore. With a megastore in Tilburg and a busy webshop, it is one of the largest suppliers of baby products in the Netherlands. They use Belco software as a supporting platform for their customer service - which makes us a proud partner.
To see how customer service works at such a busy organization like Van Asten Babysuperstore and how Belco's software is used in practice, we take a look behind the scenes together with Violetta. Violetta has been working at Van Asten for just over a year as head of customer service. With 23 years of customer service experience in her previous job, she is a walking knowledge center in the field of customer service and everything that comes with it. With a lot of positive energy, a strong vision on customer-oriented work and a people-oriented approach, she makes a difference for both customers and employees.

What does a working day in customer service look like for you?
“The first thing I do in the morning is open Belco and see what messages have arrived from customers. I filter which messages have priority and try as much as possible to submit the various customer questions and problems to the right teams. During the day, I am the point of contact for my team, I consult with employees, I manage incoming customer questions and I try to make the workplace as pleasant and pleasant as possible for everyone.”
What is it like to work with Belco in practice? What are the biggest benefits?
“ Customers contact us through many different channels: from email and social media to by telephone or via our external partners such as bol.com. A major advantage is that all these messages arrive in one inbox. This way we keep an overview and can work in a very targeted and efficient manner. We also know exactly which customer questions have already been handled. Before we used Belco, we had much less overview and it often happened that multiple employees worked on the same customer request without knowing each other. Fortunately, that no longer happens.”

What is your favorite functionality in Belco?
“I am very enthusiastic about the data that I can get from Belco, but that of course also has to do with my role within the team. For example, if I notice that there are many complaints about one product, I can immediately report this to the correct department. I can also see in the statistics where things are going well within our team and where there is room for improvement. I'm actually always looking at how we can make the customer experience even better and what is required for that.”
What functionality would you like to add to Belco
“As I said, I love data. I can already get a lot of data from Belco, but I can always do more. I prefer to see as much information as possible translated into figures and graphs, so that I can better manage efficiency and customer friendliness.”

How is the contact with Belco?
“The contact with Belco is perfect – it couldn't be better. When you ask a question, you always get a quick answer, often even immediately. In addition, they take you through the software and its possibilities from A to Z and can give you very specific advice. You can always call them if you have any questions and the contact will be friendly and personal.”
Has Belco made you more customer-friendly?
“It certainly has that. We work more efficiently than we did before and that ensures that we can help our customers faster and better. In addition, we can now respond very well to the different channels and associated customer expectations. For example, a customer who sends a WhatsApp message expects a response within a short time - that is simply what we have come to expect from that channel. With the help of Belco, we can respond to customer expectations and prioritize certain communication channels. We are continuously working to improve the customer experience and yes, Belco absolutely helps us with that.”

Curious whether Belco can also make a difference for your organization? Try our software for free for 2 weeks and experience what it's like to work in an all-in-one customer service environment. Read more on our page 'Fashion chooses Belco'