
Seven reasons why you don't like a Chatbot

Seven reasons why you don't like a Chatbot

You are sitting at your computer and looking for information about an order. A chat window will appear on the screen asking if you need help with anything. You respond and start talking to a customer service agent. At least, 'conversation.' It's more like a question-answer. You will be asked questions that you must answer in order to receive further assistance. You get the feeling that the officer is performing his work in a very robot-like manner. There is a good chance that the 'person' you are chatting with is a robot, or a chatbot.

Even though the chatbot was created to better serve consumers, three-quarters of consumers experience that a chatbot detracts from the customer friendliness of the webshop. Many websites and online stores offer the option of receiving immediate help via a chatbot. In this way, customer service can be spared, while the customer still receives an answer to his or her question.

The automated version of customer service actually benefits the company more than the customer. According to research by a competitor, 64 percent of the consumers surveyed indicate that they have no positive association with chatbots. 65 percent even indicate that they are more likely to order from an online store with human customer service than from an online store that uses a chatbot.

Seven reasons why a chatbot doesn't work yet:

  1. Everyone gets the same answer;
    Chatbots treat everyone the same by providing a programmed response. When you have a specific question, you get a general, wordy answer that a well-informed agent could have answered straight away. Not exactly customer friendly or efficient.
  2. Robots don't ask questions;
    A chatbot answers your question, but that is often it. No further details are asked. The questions a chatbot asks are often closed questions. New questions are often answered with a question in return.
  3. Robots have no emotion;
    When you have been waiting for your order for a long time and you have to keep looking for it yourself, you will get frustrated at some point. This cannot be read by a chatbot. This is purely there to answer the question. He will probably answer your frustrated, but polite, message in capital letters with a question in return. What allows you as a company to distinguish yourself in the field of customer service is by not only solving the customer's problem, but also by reassuring them and making them feel good.
  4. A robot does not possess the art of asking a good question;
    Customer questions are sometimes poorly formulated, based on assumptions or missing some context. Unlike a chatbot, a human agent can ask a good question to find out what the questioner's goal is.
  5. They think of themselves as useless;
    After a short conversation that doesn't make anyone clearer, a chatbot often gives the same instruction: 'shall I transfer you to an available agent?' It is extremely frustrating and a waste of time to have to listen to a mandatory line before you can be transferred. A conversation with an agent still remains the most effective.
  6. All conversations are saved;
    In order to improve the chatbot, all answers given are saved and then analyzed. This is the only way to train and improve the bot. There is nothing wrong with that in itself. But now that you know this, do you dare to ask questions freely (looking for that perfect sex toy) when you are logged in with your personal account?
  7. They are in the wrong place.
    You often have to search for the chatbot you want to use. Most online stores and platforms have placed the chatbot in customer service, while it should actually be on every page. When you have a question, you want an answer right away and not have to first find where it is. In a physical store, an employee also walks around to help you. They are not all behind the service desk.

As can be read in the previous blog post , the proverbial power has shifted from companies to consumers. We strongly believe in personal service and are convinced that this is the factor with which you can make a difference online. We believe that a chatbot should never replace your customer service agents.

AI and algorithms have not yet reached the point where they can really help people. This causes a lot of frustration among customers and visitors. Moreover, it takes a lot of time and money to program this chatbot. Costs that are often passed on to the consumer. In short: it is better to ignore this trend.

Curious about how you can use our tooling to assist your customers quickly and efficiently, while still providing personal service? Contact us quickly and make a difference online!