The right match is what we are all looking for. Not only in love, but also in customer service. Did you know that the Netherlands is in the top 5 for online shopping? In 2018, no less than 78% of the Dutch population has shopped online. That's a lot of people and probably a lot of people with questions. But are you there when that question is asked?
The safe 9 to 5 mentality
Working from nine to five. That is very average and safe. We also call them civil service hours or office hours. Those times are old-fashioned and a thing of the past for online stores, at least if you want to serve your customers when they are in your webshop. Many online stores (still) go wrong with this. Most people make their online purchases in the evenings or on weekends, so these are also the times when most questions arise. If you still work safely in the 9 to 5 mentality, you miss these contacts and a problem arises.
Visitors generally expect their questions to be answered quickly, whether in the evening or during the day. If this is not the case, dissatisfaction will set in more quickly and there is a good chance that they will go to the competitor. A missed opportunity! But for you as an entrepreneur you also miss the possible lead/conversion because you do not respond to customer demand.
Analyze your visitor's behavior
It is important to know what the (purchasing) behavior of your visitor is. When does he come by, when does he buy and when does he ask questions? According to a study by RTB House, the number of sales is highest on Thursday. 23% of all conversions take place between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM. This can be seen as an absolute peak moment in the Netherlands. First of all, check when visitors are on your online store, you can view this in Google Analytics. We use our own results as an example.
As you can read from the table, most activity takes place between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on the Belco website. You often see the opposite in online stores, especially in B2C. Most traffic often takes place between 7:30 and 10:30 in the evening. Are you online to answer the chat? ;-) So get to know your visitor and respond accordingly.
Do you have no insight into Google Analytics? Then simply start a pilot with a chat in the evenings and experience whether this also makes a difference in your sales. Also set up a pop-up to inform your visitor that you are available in the evening for questions or to help.
From mismatch to match
Are you a bad match with your visitors? We love perfect matches, so we want to help you. We have a tool with which you can be reached as customer service anytime, anywhere. At home during dinner, on holiday in Greece or on the train. You can create multiple agents, so that you can also create an evening team that will work with the tool, for example. Our tool has many tricks, we share the following tip with you that you can implement:
Tip: Always leave the chat tool turned on, but communicate clearly what your visitor can expect from you. Do you have clear opening hours and does a visitor contact you outside opening hours? Have the widget automatically say that you will be back tomorrow morning at 9 am to answer the question. Your visitor will then receive an email with the answer. Please note: a chat should actually be answered within 25 seconds to achieve the best conversion. A notification afterwards helps, but does not directly increase conversion.
More tips or would you rather run a pilot? Please feel free to contact us without obligation. We are happy to help you! On to higher satisfaction and more conversion. Happy customers who feel valued and heard are more likely to order from you again in the future. That's why you can make a difference with perfect customer service.
1: https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/nieuws/2018/51/ouderen-kopen-vaker-online
2: https://www.emerce.nl/wire/dinsdag-piekmoment-waarop-men-meest-online-klikt-koopt