No indexation this year!

Many messages are published about indexations. At Belco we aim to provide "happy faces" and understand that the current economic situation sometimes stands in the way of this. Despite recent challenges, inflation and rising costs, we still want to try to maintain our mission.

That is why we have decided not to apply indexation this year and to help you (and your company) by not passing on extra costs .

We want to be there for our customers in both good and bad times, just like during the corona pandemic. To further realize our mission of more "happy faces", we need your help. That is why we have come up with a promotion to recommend us to a contact person in retail or e-commerce or to give us a review.

Recommend us

Let your contact know that we exist. We work for web shops, retailers, e-commerce companies in the broadest sense of the word. Will this lead become a customer? Then you will both receive a beautiful Hoodie Sweater!

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We now have more than 50 reviews on Google, but there is always room for more. Let other customers know how satisfied you are with Belco and you will help us find new customers.

Just 2 minutes of work and you will do us a great favor!

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Why choose Belco?

  • Belco really makes it fun to help customers.
  • Infinite functionalities to make your customer service excel.
  • Develop perfect customer service together with our experts and with the help of helpdocs and the Belco academy.
  • More than 5 years of experience and hundreds of web shops that preceded you.